Let your creativity flow freely.
Make a BMS that will stand out from the crowd.
Be different. Be unique. Don't hold back!
- 実験的、前衛的な音楽
- BGAに重点を置いたBMS
- 技術的にも素晴らしいBMS
- 非常に優れた曲やBGA
- 独特の美しさを持つBMS
- BMSや音ゲーにあまりないジャンル
- クソ譜面
In this BMS event, your goal is to create a BMS work which is novel or unique. A novel or unique BMS may include, but is not limited to the following:
- Experimental or avant-garde music
- BMS that focuses heavily on BGA
- BMS that are impressive in a technical sense
- Songs or BGA which are exceptionally good
- BMS that are aesthetically distinct
- Genres that are not commonly seen in BMS or music games
- BMS that use
- BMS that use
- BMS which are so-called KUSOFUMEN
In other words, there are no clear rules what counts as novel or unique. The list of items above is simply a guideline. Please interpret the theme in the way you want. We will leave it up to your own judgement.